Monday, May 25, 2020

Music Activities - May 25, 2020

Kindergarten and Grade 1

Here is a little song to help you practice some basic rhythms. 
(ta and ti-ti)

The kindergarten students are learning about the farm. Check out this song Animals on the Farm and an Old MacDonald Had a Farm dance.

                          All Grades

The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra has recently put out a new 4-part online series called An Orchestra Adventure. Every couple of weeks they will release a new video. The first Webisode is called Wondrous Woodwinds. Check it out!

After watching it, can you answer these questions???

- What are the instruments of the woodwind family?
- How would you describe each of their sounds? Which one is the highest, and which one is the lowest? Which one is the oldest?
- Which woodwind instrument was your favorite, why?
- About how many musicians play a woodwind instrument in the orchestra?
- What did you learn about one of my favorite composers named Mozart?

 Art time for Everyone! 

Try drawing some musical instruments or anything else you might be interested in. Art For Kids Hub on YouTube has some really great things to draw and they teach you how to do it. So much fun!

Grand Piano



This week in music...

 In music class, we have been learning songs and poems related to fall and Halloween. Some of our favorites include; 'Autumn Leaves'...