Monday, May 18, 2020

Music Activities - May 18, 2020

Kindergarten and Grade 1

Here is one of our favorite silly movement songs related to Spring! It's Singing in the Rain.

                         All Grades

In the music room we like to listen to different kinds of music and talk about what we imagined, felt or heard as we were listening.
Listen to this song by a composer named Offenbach and draw a picture or write about it. 
- What did you imagine?
- How did the song make you feel?
- What instruments did you hear? Which ones were high, which ones were low?
- What was the tempo (speed) like?

  Grades 2 - 4 
Here is a great video that explains the fundamentals of music including pitch, beat, rhythm, and the staff. Check it out!

After you have watched the video, you can answer the following questions:
- What are 5 things you learned about music from watching this video?
- What is pitch?
- What letters make up pitches in music?
- What is the difference between a whole note (ta-a-a-a), half note (ta-a), quarter note (ta) and eighth note (ti)?

Bonus questions:
- What does a time signature do?
- What are bar lines?

Now you can try making your own rhythm and beats using the Chrome Music Lab!

This week in music...

 In music class, we have been learning songs and poems related to fall and Halloween. Some of our favorites include; 'Autumn Leaves'...