Monday, June 15, 2020

Music Activities - June 15, 2020

All Grades

Here are some listening activities you can try at home that are related to music. You can pick and choose some of the activities to try, as there are several. 

Here is a nice read aloud called The Dot. An inspirational book to find the artist within. 

This is a great song to sing as we continue our virtual SuperHero Sports Day this week. 
You're a Star!

If you want to learn how to draw some Super Heroes, check out 
Art for Kids Hub on YouTube.

Stayed tuned for some Father's Day songs later this week...  Father's Day is June 21st. 

This week in music...

 In music class, we have been learning songs and poems related to fall and Halloween. Some of our favorites include; 'Autumn Leaves'...