Monday, June 22, 2020

Music Activities - June 22, 2020

All Grades

Well we did it! We made it to the end of the school year, and what a year it has been! This is your last week of online learning and Google meetings. I am very proud of all of the students at Saddle Ridge School and was so happy to be your music teacher. I hope you all have a great summer! 

Here is a list again of some of my favorite music websites/resources you can continue to check out...

- MusicPlay
- DSO Kids (listen + learn)
- Classics For Kids
- SFS Kids

This week perhaps you can find some to time to reflect and think back on this school year. You can draw pictures, write a poem or song, create a collage, write about what you learned or find someone to share some of your favorite memories with. 💜

Canada Day is July 1st. Here are a few tasks related to Canada Day.

This rhythm sort activity is from the MusicPlay website. 
1. Read the word or words.
2. Clap how many syllables there are.
3. Find the matching rhythm.
Example : Lake Erie  would be ta   ti-ti

Here is a song called Canada in my Pocketwhich tells us about the significance of the symbols on Canadian coins. 

And of course, this is our national anthem (just click on the link below and scroll down for the video)

Happy Canada Day and 
Happy Summer!

This week in music...

 In music class, we have been learning songs and poems related to fall and Halloween. Some of our favorites include; 'Autumn Leaves'...