It is now Spring! ☀🌈☔
Hopefully we get some nice weather soon so we can go outside and enjoy the fresh air.
I found this song on the MusicPlay website and thought of our amazing choir. I can still hear your beautiful voices!
Check it out! Perhaps we can find a way to sing it together! Take care.
~ 💜 Mrs. MacEachern
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Then copy and paste this link.
Scroll down toward the bottom of the page and there should be a video with the song called Springtime.
This week in music...
In music class, we have been learning songs and poems related to fall and Halloween. Some of our favorites include; 'Autumn Leaves'...
Kindergarten and Grade 1 Here is a little song you can play along with. Find a percussion instrument (if you don't have one yo...
Kindergarten and Grade 1 Here are some music games that you can try out. https://...
Kindergarten and Grade 1 Here is a little song to help you practice some basic rhythms. (ta and ti-ti)